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Tell Colorado air quality regulators to prioritize our health with stronger industrial pollution regulations.

In 2021, Colorado’s law was changed to require the state’s industrial sector to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2030 . These reductions are critical to helping the state meet its climate and environmental justice goals.

It applies to 18 of the largest industrial facilities across the state, who have argued for too long that cutting emissions to protect the health of the people who live nearby is too expensive and not practical.

Now, a new process called “Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Management for Manufacturing Phase 2” (GEMM2) has started to update the pollution controls required at these facilities. But, the state is falling short of what is needed to truly cut pollution and protect disproportionately impacted communities, and instead, are offering loopholes to polluters. If the state's version of the rule is adopted emissions from these facilities will actually INCREASE. 

We need you to take action TODAY.


Can you write to the AQCC and tell them to do what the legislature intended and prioritize our communities’ health by voting for a version of Regulation 27 that will actually force industrial polluters to reduce the toxic emissions that they spew into the atmosphere and our lungs?

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